Friday, January 19, 2018

Observation Orb

Still under construction.

Although their make and model vary, each of the following dwoemer droids usually appears as a pair of mottled metallic hemispheres linked, fitted, locked and bonded together along a flush, but irregular partition shaped to enforce proper alignment. Each design produces an exterior with its own pattern of various tinted ceramic lenses and micro pores packed with recessed nano-filament sensors.

XP 800
N Diminutive Construct (robot, willwired)
Init +5; Senses blindsight 180 ft., darkvision 360 ft., eldritch ops,
    fraud filtering, low-light vision, optimizing optics, see in darkness,
    spectro-VI surveillance, tremorsense 180 ft.; Perception +21

AC 21, touch 19, flat-footed 21 (+5 Dex, +4 size, +2 natural)
hp 22 (4d10)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +6; +8 vs. mind-affecting effects
SR 14; Immune construct traits, willwired traits
Resist acid 5, cold 20, electricity 15, fire 20
Defensive Abilities all-around vision, cloak emitters,
    evasion, hardness 5, spherical resilience, uncanny dodge
Weakness vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable to electricity

Speed fly 300 ft. (perfect), swim 120 ft.
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft. (long)
Special Attack mnemonic access (DC 14)

Str 5, Dex 21, Con –, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 12
Feats Alertness, Run
Racial Feats Flyby Attack, Technologist
Skills Acrobatics +9 (+17 w/ gravity nodes), Fly +33, Knowledge (any 11) +6,
    Linguistics +9, Perception +21, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +7,
    Stealth +24 (+32 w/ gravity nodes), Swim +25
Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Languages Binary, Common, Undercommon, plus 12 more; telepathy 360 ft.
SQ gravity nodes, nanite channels, perceptive tracking
    polyglot-III protocols, task protocols, telepathic pairing

Cloak Emitters (Ex) With these bodily components, observation orbs receive the benefit of the Lurker in Darkness feat and remain invisible by means not subject to the invisibility purge spell, even when they attack. One with these components can toggle their function as a free or immediate action.
Eldritch Ops (Su) Observation orbs possess the continuous benefit of arcane sight, comprehend languages, read magic, see invisibility and tongues.
Fraud Filtering (Su) Observation orbs automatically disbelieve all relevant illusory effects they perceive in some way, while the true forms of all things polymorphed, changed or transmuted; appear to them as ghostly apparitions superimposed over their apparent forms.
Gravity Nodes (Ex) With these bodily components, observation orbs receive a +8 circumstance bonus to Acrobatics, Fly, Stealth and Swim checks while employing the extraordinary fly or swim speed listed in the base statistics for their kind.
Mnemonic Access (Su) An observation orb can share memory (as the spell) as an Intelligence-based supernatural ability, with the added option of targeting any creature it contacts using its own supernatural telepathy or telepathic pairing. Any successful Will save one makes against this ability guarantees them success on all other saving throws they attempt against it from the same user for 24 hours.
Nanite Channels (Ex) With these bodily components, an observation orb is repaired for a number of hit points equal to its Hit Dice every hour.
Optimizing Optics (Ex) With these bodily components, observation orbs see all that is rendered invisible as if it were not, with vision cleared of all distortion due to any blur or displacement effects. One with these components can toggle their function as a free or immediate action.
Perceptive Tracking (Ex) Observation orbs can use Perception instead of Survival to both find and follow tracks, using the same DCs listed under the Survival skill.
Polyglot-III Protocols (Ex) Observation orbs learn two additional languages for each rank they gain in the Linguistics skill.
Spectro-VI Surveillance (Ex) With these bodily components, obliteration orbs receive a +6 circumstance bonus to Perception checks for which they suffer only one-sixth the normal distance penalty (–1 per 60 feet, rather than –1 per 10 feet). As reflected in the base statistics for their kind, those with these components also possess the following: blindsight, darkvision, low-light vision and tremorsense. As a free or immediate action, one with these components may toggle the option enabling them to detect radiation (as the spell) out to 360 feet.
Spherical Resilience (Ex) Against observation orbs in true form, damage dealt by diffuse blunt trauma via battering, buffeting, compression, constriction, crushing, falling, impact collisions, shockwaves or trampling is halved and rounded down.
Task Protocols (Ex) Observation orbs are unable to deviate from serving the expressed will of their corresponding creator(s) in the truest good faith. Their class skills include Acrobatics, Fly, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth and Swim.
Telepathic Pairing (Su) As an immediate action, an observation orb can form a telepathic pairing with one other willing creature it contacts using its own supernatural telepathy. Until disbanded as a free or immediate action by either participant, such a pairing enables two-way conversation between both regardless of their location relative to one another. Forming a telepathic pairing with this ability disbands all others formed by the same.
Willwired Subtype (Ex) Willwired constructs possess a good Will save progression for their racial Hit Dice and gain skill points for each one equal to 6 + their Intelligence modifier. Although subject to mind-affecting effects, against which they possess a +8 racial bonus on saving throws, they are still immune to charms, compulsions, emotions, pain, patterns and phantasms. They also possess Technologist as a racial bonus feat.

Obliteration orbs are less subtle and more substantial than observation orbs. Centered on the exterior for one of its two hemispheres, each of them possess a significant concave recess surrounding the layered set of apertures capping the drive barrel of its internalized graviton cannon.

XP 4800
N Tiny Construct (robot, willwired)
Init +4; Senses blindsight 210 ft., darkvision 420 ft., eldritch ops,
    fraud filtering, low-light vision, optimizing optics, see in darkness,
    spectro-VII surveillance, tremorsense 210 ft.; Perception +24

AC 21, touch 16, flat-footed 17 (+4 Dex, +2 size, +5 natural)
hp 49 (8d10+5); force field emitters (40 hp, fast healing 8)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +8; +8 vs. mind-affecting effects
SR 18; Immune construct traits, willwired traits
Resist acid 5, cold 30, electricity 20, fire 30
Defensive Abilities all-around vision, hardness 10, spherical resilience
Weakness vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable to electricity

Speed fly 250 ft. (perfect), swim 100 ft.
Ranged integrated graviton cannon +14 touch (3d6 force/19-20)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. (long)
Special Attacks mnemonic access (DC 16)

Str 7, Dex 19, Con –, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +8; CMB +10; CMD 18
Feats Far Shot, Precise Shot, Run, Vital Strike
Racial Feats Flyby Attack, Technologist,
    Improved Natural Attack [integrated graviton cannon]
Skills Acrobatics +15 (+23 w/ gravity nodes), Fly +33, Knowledge (any 11) +7,
    Linguistics +9, Perception +24, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +10,
    Stealth +19 (+27 w/ gravity nodes), Swim +25
Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Languages Binary, Common, Undercommon, plus 12 more; telepathy 420 ft.
SQ gravity nodes, nanite channels, perceptive tracking
    polyglot-III protocols, task protocols, telepathic pairing

Eldritch Ops (Su) As an observation orb.
Force Field Emitters (Ex) With these bodily components, an obliteration orb can emit an otherwise typical force field. One with these components can track the 2d12 hours they take to emit that force field again with full hit points following its last collapse at 0 hit points. Otherwise, these components enable one to suspend that force field as a free or immediate action, or resume it once more as a standard action with the same hit points it had prior to being suspended.
Fraud Filtering (Su) As an observation orb.
Gravity Nodes (Ex) As an observation orb.
Integrated Graviton Cannon (Ex) With this bodily component, an obliteration orb can fire graviton bolts as projectiles with a range increment of 250 feet. Damage dealt by graviton bolt is never halved against an object. Any living creature damaged by a graviton bolt becomes sickened for 2d4 rounds (Fort DC 18 negates). The save DC for that effect is Strength-based and includes a +6 racial bonus.
Mnemonic Access (Su) As an observation orb.
Nanite Channels (Ex) As an observation orb.
Optimizing Optics (Ex) As an observation orb.
Perceptive Tracking (Ex) As an observation orb.
Polyglot-III Protocols (Ex) As an observation orb.
Spectro-VII Surveillance (Ex) With these bodily components, obliteration orbs receive a +7 circumstance bonus to Perception checks for which they suffer only one-seventh the normal distance penalty (–1 per 70 feet, rather than –1 per 10 feet). As reflected in the base statistics for their kind, those with these components also possess the following: blindsight, darkvision, low-light vision and tremorsense. As a free or immediate action, one with these components may toggle the option enabling them to detect radiation (as the spell) out to 420 feet.
Spherical Resilience (Ex) As an observation orb.
Task Protocols (Ex) As an observation orb.
Telepathic Pairing (Su) As an observation orb.
Willwired Subtype (Ex) As an observation orb.