Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Elementian Race

The elementian race featured below, was drafted for a friend.
Ability Score Notes
1. Started with the advanced ability score array. (4 RP)
2. Advanced the only penalized ability score by 4. (9 RP)
3. Advanced the only unmodified ability score by 2. (4 RP)
4. Reduced the highest ability score by 2. (–5 RP)
5. Permitted a flexible ability score increase of 2. (5 RP)
Elementian Racial Traits (Advanced Race / 20 RP)

+4 to One Ability Score, +2 to Every Other: Elementians statistically outperform unmodified humans in almost every way. (17 RP)

Humanoid (Human): Elementians are humanoids with the human subtype.

Medium: Elementians are medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Elementians have a base speed of 30 feet.

Elemental Heritage: An elementian character may choose one of the following elements, along with its corresponding energy type and language: air (electricity, auran), earth (acid, terran), fire (fire, ignan) or water (cold, aquan). He or she gains a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against all spells and effects affiliated with the chosen element or its energy type, as well as resistance 5 against that energy type. In addition, he or she adds the corresponding language to their list of known languages. (2 RP)

Languages: Elementians begin play speaking Common and any single human language. Elementians with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). (1 RP)

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